Women’s Ministry
Christmas Brunch
Saturday, December 14, 2024 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
“Our Favorite Things”
Let’s get together for Christmas fellowship!
RSVP by December 8, 2024
There will be a few short presentations, delicious food, singing, and certainly laughter and joy!
The sign-up sheet is in the church narthex, and it is important for you to sign up! There are details requested! If you can’t get to the church before the RSVP deadline of December 8, please send an e-mail to PPC@yorkpca.org . All women, girls (3rd grade and up), and guests are welcome!
Event Booklet Favor: Our Favorite Christmas Things
This is an important part of our celebration! Submission deadline is Sunday, December 1
Submit any of the following:
• Recipe of the dish for the brunch
• Artwork
• Poem
• Bible Verse
• Christmas tradition, memory or story
Submit these items to PPC@yorkpca.org by December 1.
Contact Jen Menges or Jamie Menges if you have any questions.
Ladies Bible Study
We are studying 1, 2, 3 John and using the study guide “Abide” by Jen Wilkin. It is an excellent study over these three small books of the New Testament.
We offer the same study at two different times during the week. We meet at Providence Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm, or Thursday mornings from 9:15-11:00am. Please choose whichever study time best fits into your schedule.
We divide each week’s lesson over two weeks. During one meeting together we discuss Days 1-3. Then in our next meeting we discuss Days 4-5 and view a 30 minute video where Jen Wilkin will teach on the passage we just studied.
1, 2, 3 John is conveniently printed for you in the back of the study guide, on pages 176-185. We read through this passage of the Bible several times as we study. It is wonderful to have the word of God at our fingertips!
We pray God will deepen our faith in Him through this study and that we will grow in our love for Him and for one another as we learn to Abide.